Knitting Lessons for Women and Children

The art of knitting is becoming popular again, so we at Janie's Mobile School are giving lessons. Maybe you know someone who is having a baby, and you want to knit those bootees or a blanket.

You can knit every thing you want once you have the skills and tools to proceed.

We are offering 4 levels from the basics up to fancy, lacy patterns or cable designs.

Each level as an accessory package to get you started and give you everything you need for each level; needles, wool, knitting bag, patterns and much more.

These lessons are for women of all ages including children. I started knitting when I was 5 years, so you are never too young to start.

You are probably wondering what all this is going to cost. Each level will take 10 weeks to complete, costing £100 for the lot. To get your accessory package you will need to pay an extra £50. So, in total each level will cost £150.

Get in touch by email soon, and let's get started. You won't regret it.

These lessons will be given in your own home, so please let me know the area of Chesterfield you live. Thanks

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